Environment variables

Here's a list of all the environment variables needed to run your Outstatic install:

# REQUIRED Environment variables OST_GITHUB_ID=YOUR_GITHUB_OAUTH_OR_APPS_ID OST_GITHUB_SECRET=YOUR_GITHUB_OAUTH_OR_APPS_SECRET OST_TOKEN_SECRET=A_32CHAR_RANDOM_STRING_FOR_YOUR_TOKEN_SECRET OST_REPO_SLUG=THE_REPOSITORY_SLUG # If empty AND on Vercel, this will default to VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG # OPTIONAL Environment variables # Main branch of the project. If empty, this will default to 'main' OST_REPO_BRANCH=main # Repository owner or organization. If empty, logged in GitHub username is used. OST_REPO_OWNER=myusername # Where content is saved. Defaults to outstatic/content if empty. OST_CONTENT_PATH=outstatic/content # Specify monorepo folder of your Outstatic content OST_MONOREPO_PATH=apps/web # OpenAI API Key for AI Completions OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-XXXXXXX

Good to know: To get your repository slug we first try fetching the OST_REPO_SLUG environment variable. If that is empty, we try VERCEL_GIT_REPO_SLUG, which is one of Vercel's default environment variables. If both are empty, you'll get a warning saying you need to add OST_REPO_SLUG to your environment variables.

In case you need help on how to get your GitHub OAuth credentials, please read the Getting started section.